It's at about this time every year that I realize the resolutions I set for myself on January 1 have been broken. I start out with good intentions and firm resolve but ever so slowly, I settle back into old habits and routines.
In the past, I have pledged a solemn vow to shed a few pounds, be a better person, volunteer, save more money and stick with my latest hobby. All have gone by the wayside. My excuses have ranged from not having enough time to having a paper cut. It's hard to admit being defeated by weak willpower and laziness.
This year, however, things are looking up! I made three resolutions and have struggled to keep them.
Read More: Whether it's People Magazine, the local newspaper or a juicy novel, I have actually been squeezing in some extra time to read. My original goal was to read more novels but I am finding it challenging to select books that can hold my interest. I have managed to read Crazy in America (The Hidden Tragedy of Our Criminalized Mentally Ill) by Mary Beth Pfeiffer; Tender at the Bone by Ruth Reichl; and Kabul Beauty School by Deborah Rodriguez. While I know this is not a staggering number of books, it's a start. I just need to get to Barnes and Noble soon.
Drink More Water: I am notorious for only drinking a large cup of coffee and maybe one glass of Diet Pepsi a day. I can pinch the skin on the back of my hand and it stands up: a sign of dehydration. I just never feel really thirsty and it's challenging to take a water break when dealing with a classroom of teenager hooligans. I got a wake up call recently about the seriousness of not drinking enough when my opthamologist told me my eyes were too dry. I have been doing very well with getting a drink of water whenever I can and always having a bottle nearby. Think I'll get a cold glass of water now...
Stay in Touch With Family and Friends: This is a challenging one for me but I have been making a strong effort. The biggest obstacle is my intense dislike of talking on the phone. I think all those years of selling TVGuide on the phone ruined me for life. However, in this day and age, e-mail is my favorite method of communication. I am a great fan of sending newsy-updates of life at my household to those I hold nearest and dearest. The only discouraging part is the lack of response. So, if you are one of my regular reader that don't respond to my blog posts or my e-mails, GET WITH IT! You are putting a damper on my resolution.
So, there you have it! It's March 22 and I have stuck with my resolutions.
...let's see if I can make it to June...
Go, hydrated Mom!
Only problem is: what goes in, must go out! ...Maybe THAT'S where I'll get more reading in!
Per #3: I'm responding, I'm responding!
(I'll see you tomorrow, anyways.)
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