Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Revelations of a New Grandmother

Well, I'm a Granny now! My sweet little Leicha was born on June 27, 2 days after my birthday and about 6 weeks early. She was only 4.3 pounds and 17" long. Just a teeny-tiny thing. She is doing very well and has now passed the 5 pound mark.

I have so many mixed feelings about being a grandmother.

I feel like I'm too young to be entering this phase of my life. I have been denying my advancing years for some time now. While 53 is not THAT old, it's closer to "elderly" than it is to "teenage" (not that I'd want to relive those years). I recently lost some weight and I work out 5-7 times a week. My body is in the best shape it's ever been in. In a few days, I'll be leading a hike up Mt. Washington, NH's highest peak. But the fact of the matter is, things aren't quite what they used to be. I feel it first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

I feel sad that my grandchild lives so far away and that I'll be a long-distance Grandmother. I talk to other Grandmothers who get to visit their Grands often, sometimes daily. They are firmly entrenched in their soccer games, school events and childhood illnesses. They are close by to offer advise or babysitting. I will be the voice on the end of the phone line, someone who mails packages for birthdays and fusses and dotes once a year during the holidays. I can only hope that I am able to find ways to become someone special in this little girl's life.

I feel excited to know that we have an addition to our family. It will be great fun to watch how this person turns out.

I feel loving and protective of my Grandbaby. I want her to have all the joys in the world at her feet. I never want her to experience heartbreak or deep sorrow. I want to wrap her in the comfort of my arms and never let go.

... and so, I am "Gammy" (my mother is "Grammy").