Saturday, February 2, 2008

On Being Sick

There's nothing worse than being sick.

This week I suffered with a cold. The truth is, this cold started at Christmas as a nagging tickle at the back of my throat that just wouldn't go away. I coughed. I sniffled. I made gurgling sounds. I even had larengitis for a day. I tried to will it away. Nothing would move this tickle.

Finally, I decided to tackle it with gusto. I bought a nasal spray. I bought cough drops. I bought Nyquil. The clerks at CVS know me by first name and thank me for providing them with job security.

A funny thing happened when I began my attack. I got worse. The tiny, nagging tickle became a sloppy mess of runny nose, watery eyes and a real cough that still didn't move anything. I got a sinus headache and my body became a limp noodle.

... and then, I did the one thing that I rarely do: I took a day off from work. To me, taking a day off is like surrendering. I hate to cave in and admit that I need to rest but it did the trick and I am on the road to recovery.

This morning I woke to the familiar sounds of hacking and coughing. Great. Now my husband has my cold. If I were you, I'd buy some stock in CVS.

Here are some great links if you are suffering a cold:


Martha said...

I would gladly take your cold, if it meant I could stop throwing up...

J. Roaf said...

I'm down and out with the flu so I feel your pain Linda. I actually took back to back days off from work. I can barely move...woe is me.

Martha...why are you throwing up?