Saturday, November 10, 2007


I am a junkie. My drug of choice: pop culture. I love it, crave it and find myself lost and incomplete without it.
Let's begin with television. I hate to admit it but my TV is on almost all the time. When guests come over, I try to hide this addiction, keeping it off and silent while I engage in pleasant conversation. No sooner have the guests driven away and it's back on. I need my fix.
My viewing choices do not stress my intellect. While I do enjoy the occasional documentary and will watch the news, my real preference is mindless reality TV. I am not proud of this. This list includes: Wife Swap, Intervention( some irony there, hey?), Hell's Kitchen, Top Chef, Project Runway, The Amazing Race, and American Idol. I just love that ordinary people can do extraordinary things. My favorite shows in the "Drama" or "Comedy" genres include Weeds (is there a trend here?), Californication (such a seedy show), House, Law and Order and Heros. Pure fantasy entertainment.

I will glance at a daily newspaper and flip through the local newspaper but my greatest source of news is People Magazine. I run to my mailbox every Friday, heart beating with anticipation. It's upsetting if I open my mailbox and it's not there. For a moment, I contemplate running out to make a buy instead of waiting patiently for my next weekly delivery. I read it from cover to cover and when I am finished, I begin to crave the arrival of next issue.

No talk-about-issues radio for me. I listen to KISS108fm, a Boston radio station that plays all the current music from rap to rock to country. The morning show features conversations about celebrities, music and gossip. It is like getting a jolt of caffeine in the morning.

There is something slightly seedy and shameful in enjoying these guilty pleasures. I'm on the edge of being labelled "white trash." But I do have my standards. I'll know I've hit rock bottom when I purchase those trashy newspapers (I DO glance at them while waiting in line and hope no one is watching me) or watch Jerry Springer every day (when I am home sick and need some cheering up, I tune in: seeing people more pathetic than myself makes me feel so much better.).

I am sure that I probably need rehab but as Amy Winehouse would say, "No, No, No."

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